Damas Mangroves, a great chance for birdwatching and family boat tours

Escape to a one-of-a-kind aquatic adventure in Manuel Antonio’s magnificent wetlands. Along the country’s lush Pacific coastline lies this ecological wonderland – a maze of tidal channels and islands blanketed in dense green foliage that forms a unique wetland ecosystem offering unique family boat tours in Manuel Antonio.


Teeming with exotic birds, mammals, reptiles and more, these brackish waters beckon you to explore its intricate waterways and discover the biodiversity hidden within.

Join Epic Adventures for an unforgettable, guided kayaking and boating tour in the amazing Damas Mangroves. Our experienced bilingual guides will expertly navigate you through the labyrinth of mangroves, providing insightful commentary on the diverse wildlife and ecology of the region.

 Damas Mangroves - Family boat tours in Manuel Antonio
Family boat tours in Manuel Antonio

Family Boat Tours through Damas Mangroves

Embark on a family boat tour to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of Manuel Antonio’s wetlands. Drift slowly along the shoreline to observe white-faced monkeys playing along the fringe of the forest. Watch your children’s eyes light up as they spot a timid anteater foraging along the water’s edge at low tide.

Glide through peaceful backwaters near small islands and keep watch for sunbathing iguanas and other reptiles. With amazing wildlife around every bend, a family boat tour allows kids and adults alike to effortlessly soak in the magic of these wetlands.

American Crocodile - Family boat tours in Manuel Antonio

Float by tangled mangrove roots and imagine the fish taking shelter amongst them. See if any eagle-eyed kids can spot the camouflage of a basilisk lizard clinging motionlessly to a tree as the boat passes. With experienced guides pointing out wildlife, a family boat tour makes spotting animals easy and fun for all ages.

Drift slowly through this tropical paradise and immerse your family in the sights and sounds of Manuel Antonio’s magnificent wetlands from the comfort of a boat. Contact us today to start planning your family-friendly boating adventure! It can be enjoyed at the or night, in kayak or by boat! It’s your choice!

Birdwatching in Damas Mangroves

Damas Mangroves has a delight for everyone, and birdwatchers are not the exception! Many unusual birds call  these wetlands home.

Boat Billed Night Heron - Family boat tours in Manuel Antonio

Some of these species may be:

  • Lesser Yellowlegs
  • Mangrove Hummingbird
  • Ruddy Turnstone
  • Semipalmated Plover
  • Whimbrel
  • Stilt Sandpiper
  • Black-Bellied Plover
  • Common Black Hawk
  • Golden-naped Woodpecker
  • Panama Flycatcher
  • Willet
  • Short-billed Dowitcher
  •  Anhinga
  • Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
  • Plumbeous Kite
  • Mangrove Vireo
  • Mangrove Yellow Warble

Other species that can be found in this area are: Boat Billed Night Herons, Roseate Spoonbills, Little Blue Herons, Great Blue and Green Herons, Snowy Egrets, Cattle Egrets, and Great White Egrets.

Avid birders may also spot endangered species flitting between branches or perched high above, their brilliant plumage standing out against the dark leaves. With over 300 species recorded here, you never know what exotic bird you might encounter on your paddle.

If kayaking is not your cup of tea, you can always embark on an open-air boat tour to fully immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of these wetlands. With experienced guides at your side, cruise the open estuary waters on these family boat tours in Manuel Antonio. Watch as herons and egrets soar past and plunge into the channel to grab fish. Get an up-close look at the Roseate Spoonbill’s unique beak as it feeds in the shallows.

Drift slowly along the shoreline to observe white-faced monkeys playing along the fringe of the forest. As the boat glides through peaceful backwaters and passes small islands, keep watch for sunbathing iguanas, crocodiles, and other reptiles. With amazing wildlife around every bend, you never know what you might encounter on a boat tour of these magnificent wetlands.


Paddle, cruise, and immerse yourself in the magic of Damas’ wetlands. Join Epic Adventures for a once-in-a-lifetime kayaking and boating eco adventure.   Contact us today to start planning your aquatic escape into these magnificent wetlands!

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