A nearly ten-year-old plan has allowed Costa Rica to present itself to the rest of the world by completely promoting tourism, commerce, and investment alongside environmental sustainability and national culture.
This “Essential Costa Rica” is the Country Brand that supports the national image while also having a positioning axis or marketing aspect and increasing competitiveness.
Companies who want to earn this stamp or recognition must have the values of excellence, sustainability, innovation, social advancement, and a connection to Costa Rica.
And it is small and medium-sized businesses that may profit from the Country Brand in terms of reputation and prestige since this licensing procedure provides them with better circumstances to promote themselves.
“It is a successful brand,” said Pedro Beirute, general manager of the Costa Rican Trade Promoter (Procomer) and president of the Country Brand Committee.
Furthermore, according to the manager, acquiring the Country Brand stamp is an easy and affordable process, allowing more than 700 enterprises to receive the “Essential Costa Rica” license.
The process begins with an online self-assessment of the interested organization; the second part is to have an independent certifier create an assessment report, which will be given to Procomer for review; the sole expense throughout this method is the employment of the evaluation team.
Because of the brand’s strong worldwide positioning, no major changes in its idea are in the works since one of its key assets has been its consistency through time.
![Essential Costa Rica]()
“In the future, we anticipate a bigger volume in the brand’s messages in everything related to sustainability; we feel that Costa Rica must continue to bet on the message of a sustainable nation, in a wide sense, both environmental, social, and economic,” Beirute noted.
Similarly, he emphasized that Costa Rica can inspire and create confidence worldwide and that the brand would continue to benefit from the country’s high image in terms of sustainability.
“We are unique in the world, we are different, and that is why we must capitalize on that strength to continue polishing and debugging it,” Beirute explained. “The good and positive thing is that it is a message and a brand consistent with our history, and that is why it will continue to be the axis of communication, in projecting and promoting the issue of sustainability and business with a purpose.”
Another advantage of “Essential Costa Rica” is that, as a Costa Rican bonding brand, it has enabled numerous international corporations to be accredited as a Country Brand since they produce employment, links, and investment.
Tcrn Staff. ““Essential Costa Rica”: The Country Brand that Aspires to Continue Promoting National Competitiveness.” The Costa Rica News. 23 Aug. 2022. Web. 23 Aug. 2022. <https://thecostaricanews.com/essential-costa-rica-the-country-brand-that-aspires-to-continue-promoting-national-competitiveness/>