Caminata por la naturaleza en el parque Rainmaker

¡Increíbles puentes de dosel en una impresionante selva tropical!

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Parque Nacional del Corcovado
de Manuel Antonio

La selva tropical más biointensa de Costa Rica.

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Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio
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Visite el parque más popular con los mejores naturalistas.

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Las mejores visitas guiadas en Manuel Antonio

Epic Adventures in Manuel Antonio

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ya que son las mejores razones para reservar sus excursiones con nosotros.

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¿Busca actividades emocionantes en Manuel Antonio Costa Rica para que su viaje sea inolvidable?

No busque más: ¡Epic Adventures!

Nuestra pequeña empresa se fundó en 2003 con la misión de preservar la belleza natural de la zona de Manuel Antonio/Quepos, y hoy en día seguimos comprometidos con ese objetivo.

En Epic Adventures, queremos que tu experiencia gire en torno a ti. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de actividades entre las que elegir, tanto si viaja en familia como con amigos o estudiantes. Permítanos ayudarle a crear el itinerario perfecto para su estancia en Manuel Antonio, con algo que hacer cada día.

Nuestras excursiones, bilingües y de calidad profesional, se centran en la ecología, la seguridad, la protección del medio ambiente, la educación y, sobre todo, la diversión.

Ofrecemos una variedad de excursiones guiadas por el Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio el increíble Parque Rainmaker y los manglares de la Isla de Damas, así como excursiones en barco diurnas y nocturnas.

Independientemente de las actividades que elija, puede estar seguro de que todas están diseñadas pensando en su diversión y seguridad. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle experiencias inolvidables que recordará durante años.

¿Listo para reservar sus actividades en Manuel Antonio Costa Rica con nosotros? Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo en nuestro número gratuito, 1 (855) 740-1200. Y no olvide decir «¡Pura Vida!».

Epic Adventures Costa Rica
Our Epic Adventures Costa Rica Vehicles

Los vehículos que utilizamos

En Epic Adventures Costa Rica, su seguridad y comodidad son nuestras principales prioridades en cada viaje. Nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer una flota de vehículos meticulosamente mantenidos que garantizan una experiencia excepcional a nuestros pasajeros. Nuestro compromiso con la seguridad comienza con el mantenimiento continuo de nuestros vehículos, realizado con el máximo cuidado y diligencia.

Nuestros conductores no son sólo profesionales cualificados; son conductores turísticos experimentados que comprenden las complejidades de la navegación por diversos terrenos. Su experiencia garantiza un viaje tranquilo y seguro, que le permitirá relajarse y sumergirse plenamente en la aventura.

Aunque los vehículos que aparecen en nuestras imágenes muestran nuestro compromiso con la excelencia, es importante señalar que también utilizamos una gama de otros vehículos que cumplen los mismos altos estándares. Independientemente del vehículo elegido, su seguridad sigue siendo primordial. Nuestras amplias medidas de seguridad y rigurosos controles de calidad se extienden a todos los vehículos de nuestra flota, garantizando que cada viaje con nosotros sea a la vez estupendo y seguro.

En Epic Adventures Costa Rica, combinamos vehículos de primera categoría, mantenimiento meticuloso, conductores experimentados y una dedicación a la seguridad y comodidad de los pasajeros para ofrecerle viajes inolvidables que ejemplifican la esencia de la aventura y la exploración.

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Outdoor adventures in Manuel Antonio National Park and Region

Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio y Quepos: Preguntas más frecuentes

¡Bienvenido al blog de Epic Adventures CR! Hoy le invitamos a embarcarse en un viaje inolvidable para descubrir el Parque Nacional de Manuel Antonio y ...
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Whale Season In Costa Rica

Testigos de la grandeza de la naturaleza: Temporada de ballenas en Costa Rica

A medida que se acerca el mes de julio, la pintoresca región de Manuel Antonio y Quepos, en el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica, espera ...
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Aventuras al aire libre en Manuel Antonio y Quepos: Explorando las joyas de la naturaleza

¿Está listo para una aventura inolvidable en la impresionante región de Manuel Antonio y Quepos? Con sus impresionantes playas, frondosos bosques tropicales y una gran ...
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Celebración del Día Mundial de los Océanos: Proteger nuestro planeta azul

El Día Mundial de los Océanos sirve para recordar el papel vital que desempeñan nuestros océanos como sustento de la vida en la Tierra y ...
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Descubriendo los manglares de Damas y sus maravillas

Enclavada cerca de la encantadora región del Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio y a la entrada del puerto de Quepos, existe una joya oculta rebosante de ...
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Manuel Antonio National Park | Costa Rica Ecotourism

Epic Adventures apoya la decisión judicial de proteger el Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio: Conservar las maravillas de la naturaleza

El Parque Nacional de Manuel Antonio, enclavado en la impresionante costa de Costa Rica, es un tesoro natural que atrae a visitantes de todo el ...
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A jungle safari from manuel Antonio

Explorando la selva indómita: Un safari por el bosque en Manuel Antonio

Bienvenido a Epic Adventures Costa Rica, su puerta de entrada a las indómitas selvas tropicales de Manuel Antonio y Quepos. Acompáñenos en un extraordinario safari ...
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Damas Island Mangrove Tour

¿Qué es lo especial sobre el tour a los manglares de la isla Damas?

La excursión a los manglares de Isla Damas es una actividad ecoturística muy popular en la zona, que ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de ...
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Earth Day in Costa Rica

La importancia del Día de la Tierra en Costa Rica

El Día de la Tierra en Costa Rica es un momento de reflexión y acción sobre el compromiso del país con la sostenibilidad y la ...
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Costa Rica Conservation Programs

Entre los esfuerzos de conservación de Costa Rica: Prohibición de los plásticos de un solo uso

Los esfuerzos de conservación de Costa Rica son noticia en la lucha contra los residuos plásticos con la aprobación de una nueva ley que prohíbe ...
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Overall, don't worry along the way; after all, you are visiting a place, so things are bound to happen. Mistakes to avoid when visiting Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica is a great way to improve for future trips, and it's even better if they didn't cost you too much money!We frequently have interesting memories and stories to share as a result of those mistakes. Overall, don't worry along the way; after all, you are visiting a place, so things are bound to happen. Making mistakes is a great way to improve for the future, and it's even better if they didn't cost you too much money! We frequently have interesting memories and stories to share as a result of those mistakes.10 Mistakes to Avoid for First-Time Visitors to Costa RicaIf you're considering visiting Manuel Antonio for the first time, you might be unsure of what to expect and how to make the most of your stay.Although Costa Rica is a well-liked tourist destination, there are some common errors that newcomers frequently make that can negatively affect their trip.In order for you to have a memorable and pleasurable trip to Manuel Antonio, we will discuss these blunders here and offer you advice on how to avoid them.So let's get started!9 common mistakes to avoid when visiting Manuel Antonio1. Are you flying to the right San Jose?First and foremost, you need to make sure you are booking your flight to the right country and airport. It may sound silly, but it can be an easy mistake for first-time visitors to Costa Rica and Manuel Antonio.When searching for flight prices, be sure that you are looking up SJO for Costa Rica’s  Juan Santamaria International Airport.The distance from Manuel Antonio National Park to Guanacaste International Airport (LIR) is approximately 232 kilometers (144 miles), and it takes about 4 hours and 30 minutes to drive there.The distance from Manuel Antonio National Park to Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) is approximately 156 kilometers (97 miles), and it takes about 3 hours to drive here.Please keep in mind that the estimated driving times may change depending on traffic and other factors.The other airport that it is often confused with is in San Jose, California. This could end up costing you a fair bit of cash if you end up not double- and triple checking your destination.2. Don’t avoid booking a trip in the rainy season.After reading the reviews on the internet, are you unsure whether you should plan that trip for the rainy season? Remember that everyone will have an opinion about something, so come and find out for yourself. Microclimates can be found throughout Costa Rica.Additionally, it might be raining in one part of the country but not the other, or it might be cloudy in one town but sunny in another nearby one in the morning. Yes, there is a rainy season in Costa Rica, and depending on where you are and what month it is, some days it can really pour.But at this point, Costa Rica revives.The greens are the deepest and most beautiful greens you have ever seen, and the colors are breathtaking.3. Don't let the size of the country fool you Even though you might think the country is small, Google Maps only predicts it will take 1.5 hours. But in practice, it might take at least an additional half-hour, depending on where you're driving. It typically takes a lot longer. Always allow extra time for your drive, especially if you're traveling on a weekend or a day with heavy traffic.Everyone is on the road, especially during Semana Santa and the final week of the year, trying to get away from the city and usually heading to the beach! There always seems to be road construction taking place, and occasionally you may wonder why there isn't any.On Costa Rican roads, you're likely to encounter landslides, potholes that feel more like craters or makeshift swimming pools, slow-moving vehicles hauling cows, and anything else you can imagine. It should go without saying that you should take your time and enjoy the view.4. Thinking You Will Wait Until a Better Deal Comes UpWhen it comes to peak travel season, you shouldn't just "wing it" when you get to Costa Rica if you plan to go there during that time.Because if you just wing it, you won't have anywhere to turn. Don't assume that the busy season lasts from December to Holy Week.Even after April, tourists still flock to Costa Rica because the country's lush season brings the natural world into bloom and keeps its rivers and waterfalls flowing. Avoid the error of waiting until you believe you will receive a better offer because there may be no deals left and you will end up with nothing.Particularly when it comes to car rentals, which are frequently reserved months in advance. It is always better to book your car rental as soon as possible to ensure availability and secure the best rates. Additionally, many car rental companies offer free cancellation or modification, so there is little risk in booking early.5. Do not believe everything you read on Google Maps.Although Google Maps is a useful tool, it might not be your best friend in Costa Rica, particularly when traveling on unpaved roads and during the rainy season. You might want to have both your offline map download and the widely used Waze app in Costa Rica. When you come across heavy traffic and accidents, you will be grateful for them. Following Google's directions can sometimes lead you to a strange road in the middle of the woods, where you wonder if the water is too deep for you to cross. You would be surprised to learn how frequently it occurs.6. Be flexible and pack some patience.You’ve heard the saying “tico time”, and it is, in fact, a real thing, not just a saying. So bring along a little patience, and it will go a long way toward having a good visit.Don’t take the word “ahora” literally when you are in Costa Rica. Ahora may mean now, but not to those that use the word, and it could have you waiting until nightfall, sitting in your room, waiting for those extra towels to be brought up to your room.Plans can change depending on the weather, from rain making certain activities dangerous to washing out roads. Waterfalls can become even more dangerous to enter, or trails can become closed, such as Volcan Poas in the past, for safety reasons. It all comes with learning to go with the flow of things here in Costa Rica, so have some backup ideas ready.7. Not using available free appsYou can get by with the aid of Google Translate to a great extent. With the camera feature, it's a fantastic tool for reading product labels in stores because it switches the language automatically. For menus without an English translation, it can also be useful in restaurants.Even though sopa de mondongo is a popular dish in Costa Rica, some people might not be quite ready to dig in. Additionally, the translator can assist you in understanding whether to order a plate of lengua en salsa or an ensalada de lechuga.8. Crime in ParadiseDo not, and I must stress this again. Leave none of your valuables in the car. especially if you are parking in tourist areas or in a spot reserved for a popular attraction. You could easily lose it, even if you locked it. You read about vehicles losing their suitcases, backpacks, and laptops so frequently online in the social media groups of the town.And all the remarks that follow, such as "Sorry this happened; it seems to happen every day now" and "We need to put up a sign to warn the visitors." Instead of wasting time checking that the doors are locked twice, you might as well just hand over your belongings when you head out to the beach or the park. Because someone is hiding there as you arrange the blanket to cover your valuables invisibly.Additionally, it is a terrible idea to take it with you to the beach. Those waiting for you to jump in and cool off on the beach while you leave your belongings and bags there are treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Because it is so accessible and easy to steal, tourist destinations are high-theft areas like anywhere else in the world.9. Carry more than one form of payment.It's a good idea to carry some cash with you at all times, preferably in coins. There are some places where you can only use cash, so it's obviously not something you want to be pulling out all at once and flashing around. Among them are parking lot attendants, roadside stands, and some food vendors you may come across while traveling.Those large coins shouldn't be thrown away either; they can add up quickly and prove to be very useful. Simply begin placing them in a small plastic bag with the rest of us.Overall, don't worry along the way; after all, you are visiting a place, so things are bound to happen. Making mistakes is a great way to improve for the future, and it's even better if they don't cost you too much money! Because of these mistakes, we often have interesting memories and stories to tell.

9 errores que debe evitar al visitar Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

En general, no se preocupe por los errores que debe evitar al visitar Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica; recuerde que está de vacaciones y, después de ...
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5 Animales que puedes ver en Manuel Antonio (Aparte de los monos)

¿Cuáles son los animales que se pueden ver en Manuel Antonio, aparte de los monos? Tanto en la región como en el Parque Nacional encontrará ...
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Costa Rica una vez más, en el documental Reversed de Discovery Channel.

Costa Rica una vez más, en el documental Reversed de Discovery Channel. El programa es producido por el sobrino de Bob Marley, Charles Mattocks Marley ...
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El Festival Envision 2023 ya casi está aquí… ¡Bienvenidos!.

¿Qué es el Festival Envision 2023? El Festival Envision es el mayor festival de permacultura, música y yoga de Costa Rica. Se trata de un ...
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¿Cómo llegar a Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica? ¡Todas las respuestas!

¿Cómo llegar a Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica? La distancia desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Guanacaste a Manuel Antonio es de aproximadamente 159.9 km/99 millas Aeropuerto ...
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